PhosphoSens Kinase Sensor Peptide CSKS-AQT0462 - Untitled-1_e9a554bf-0173-499f-8d0f-2584e0d31163

PhosphoSens Kinase Sensor Peptide CSKS-AQT0462


Note: Type K denotes Assay Kits, B denotes Bulk Sensor Peptide, RA denotes Reagent

Number of assays: 96-192 assays or wells per kit, and about 1000-2000 assays per 1mg of bulk sensor peptide (depending on if 50µL or 25µL is used for the final reaction volume per well, respectively)

Kit accessories:

  • Included: Sealing film, qualified plates (white, low protein binding): 96- or 384-well format, paddle to seal film, and all necessary reagents.
    • All kits include the following components: PhosphoSens Substrate, 1 mM, ATP Solution, 100 mM, DTT Solution, 1 000 mM, Enzyme Reaction Buffer, 10X, Enzyme DilutionBuffer, 5X, EGTA Solution, 550 mM
    • Kit K-5 also includes the following additive: PS/DAG Solution, 10X
  • Not included: Enzyme (Kinase enzyme must be obtained from a commercial supplier, see recommendation in the product list here)

Products Description:

  • CSKS-AQT0462B: Bulk Sensor Peptide Substrate recommended for PKN1, PRKCB2 (PKCβ2), PRKCD (PKCδ), PRKCH (PKCη), PRKCI (PKCι), PRKCZ (PKCζ) PhosphoSens-Kinetic Kinase Acitivity Assays
  • CSKS-AQT0462K: Assay Kit recommended for PKN1 PhosphoSens-Kinetic Kinase Acitivity Assays
  • CSKS-AQT0462K-5: Assay Kit recommended for PRKCB2 (PKCβ2), PRKCD (PKCδ), PRKCH (PKCη), PRKCI (PKCι), PRKCZ (PKCζ) PhosphoSens-Kinetic Kinase Acitivity Assays

Shipping: Dry ice for kits, room temperature for bulk sensor peptide

Storage: -20°C

Shelf Life: 9 months

HGNC Targets (Common) Name: PKN1, PRKCB2 (PKCβ2), PRKCD (PKCδ), PRKCH (PKCη), PRKCI (PKCι), PRKCZ (PKCζ)

Consolidated target aliases:

  • PRKCB; PKCb; Protein kinase C beta; PKCb; PKCB; PRKCB2; MGC41878; PKC-beta; KPCB; PRKCB1; protein kinase C, beta
  • PRKCH; PKCh; Protein kinase C eta; PKCL; PKC-L; PRKCL; MGC5363; MGC26269; nPKC-eta; KPCL; PKCH; protein kinase C, eta; NPKC-eta
  • PRKCI; PKCi; Protein kinase C iota; PKCI; MGC26534; nPKC-iota; DXS1179E; PKCL; PRKCL; PKC iota; PKC lambda; protein kinase C, iota; APKC-lambda,iota; NPKC-iota; DXS1179E; HINT1; KPCI
  • PKN1; protein kinase N1; PKN; DBK; MGC46204; PAK1; PKN; PRK1; PRKCL1; protein kinase C-like 1; Protease-activated kinase 1
  • PRKCZ; PKCz; Protein kinase C zeta; PKC2; KPCZ; PKCZ; PKC-ZETA; protein kinase C, zeta; NPKC-zeta
  • PRKCD; PKCd; Protein kinase C delta ; MAY1; MGC49908; nPKC-delta; KPCD; PKCD; PKC-delta; protein kinase C, delta; Protein kinase C, delta; KPCD; NPKC-delta